Elvis Presley - Aint That Loving You Baby
Elvis Presley - A Portrait In Music
Elvis Costello And The Attractions - Sweet Dreams
Elvis Costello And The Attractions - Party Party
Elvis Costello - New Amsterdam
Elton John / Kiki Dee - Bite Your Lip [Get Up And Dance] / Chicago
Elton John - Wrap Her Up
Elton John - Victim Of Love
Elton John - The Fox
Elton John - Song For Guy
Elton John - Sleeping With The Past
Elton John - Sartorial Eloquence
Elton John - Passengers
Elton John - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Various - All That Jazz
Elton John - Jump Up
Elton John - Grow Some Funk Of Your Own
Elton John - Funeral For A Friend
Elton John - Ego
Elton John - Crazy Water
Eddie Henderson - Runnin To Your Love