Champion Jack Dupree - Natural And Soulful Blues
Chicken Shack - Accept Chicken Shack
Nazareth - Rampant
The Rolling Stones - Big Hits [High Tide And Green Grass]
Pink Floyd - Animals
If - If
Brian Bennett - The Illustrated London Noise
The Girlfriends - Jimmy Boy
The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever / Penny Lane
Blind Faith - Blind Faith
Hawkwind - In Search Of Space
Jackie Ivory - Soul Discovery
Cream - Wheels Of Fire
The Transports - A Ballad Opera By Peter Bellamy
Free - Fire And Water
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
The Beatles - Revolver
Ketty Lester - Love Letters
Buddy Holly And Bob Montgomery - Holly In The Hills
Paul McCartney - The Family Way
The Beatles - Abbey Road
The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour
John Martyn - Solid Air